Businesses and organizations may also become a member of City Club of Boise. Organizational members include companies, nonprofits, associations, and other organizations that share our desire to improve the civic health of our region. Learn more about benefits and pricing below. All memberships a for a full year term.
Company name and link on Club website and corporate member stand on tables at all forums
Recognition of membership contribution displayed on a monitor located in the venue lobby at all Lunch Forums
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
Four (4) affiliate members receive member benefits such as discounted pricing, badges, and invitations to member events
Company name and link on Club website
Company name listed on corporate members stand on tables at all forums
Recognition of membership contribution displayed on a monitor located in the venue lobby at all Lunch Forums
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
Six (6) affiliate members who receive member benefits such as discounted pricing, badges, and invitations to member events
Company name and link on Club website
Company name listed on corporate members stand on tables at all forums
Recognition of membership contribution displayed on a monitor located in the venue lobby at all Lunch Forums
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
Invitation to Club Roundtable Lunch (held twice a year)
Ten (10) affiliate members who receive member benefits such as discounted pricing, badges, and invitations to member events
Company name and link on Club website
Company name listed on corporate members stand on tables at all forums
Recognition of membership contribution displayed on a monitor located in the venue lobby at all Lunch Forums
Access to online Member Directory (members can opt-out of being displayed on the directory)
Invitation to Club Roundtable Lunch (held twice a year)
City Club of Boise head table seating opportunity for two (2) guests at up to two (2) Lunch Forums per year
Thank you to our Corporate Members for your support!
Leadership CirclE
Engagement Circle
Civic Circle
Capital City Development Corporation
Idaho School Boards Association